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SOUL MATTERS: Modern Science Confirming Ancient Wisdom Healing at the Interface of Spirit and Matter

by Jeanne-Rachel Salomon, DNM, PhD, February 2019, Balboa Press (Paperback, eBook)

(Dr. Salomon practices and teaches shamanic healing modalities.)

This book presents Salomon’s unique research and scientific/philosophical insight into the millennia-old shamanic healing modality of Soul Retrieval. In shamanic understanding, trauma signifies soul-loss. To restore an injured person to wholeness, the shaman journeys into non-ordinary reality to retrieve the person’s lost soul essence and restores it to the client in ordinary reality.

Shamans knew intuitively that existence is a product of consciousness, and that soul requires body to enter physicality, and body requires soul to express life. Yet, there is only a set amount of physical pain and mental and/or emotional disturbance an embodied soul can tolerate. Sensing possible annihilation, the soul leaves the body just prior to the traumatic impact, and retreats – unharmed – into non-ordinary reality, away from physical ordinary reality.

The phenomenon of soul-leaving and soul-returning happens on the quantum-level of existence: leaving signifies self-preservation of soul. Willingly returning to the healed body signifies self-preservation of the body-mind-soul conglomerate.

Dr. Salomon found that the shamanic fundamentals of Soul Retrieval are aligned with quantum principals. The results of her research (based on actual client cases) confirm the relevance of quantum physics’ tenets of non-locality, tangled hierarchy and discontinuity inside shamanic healing.

“Healing through Soul Retrieval is no longer an interesting phenomenon, it is now a fact” (Dr. J. L. Fannin).

Foreword by Sandra Ingerman, MA