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Shamanic Voyages of Self-Discovery: A Book of Journeys
by Céleste Charland  (Austin MacCauley’s Publishers, 2020)

Shamanic Voyages of Self-Discovery: A Book of Journeys is a compilation of shamanic healing journeys that will awaken within you a deeper, more personal exploration of your own path to healing and empowerment. In our fast paced, seemingly upside down world, it is becoming increasingly more pressing to find our own sense of self and  balance. What makes this book remarkable, is that it offers first-hand experience.  Ms. Charland, a shamanic practitioner, ordained inter-spiritual minister and professional change management consultant, brings us a selection of  teachings and wisdom from shamanic journeys she has done for herself and on behalf of clients over the past 20 years.  Using the ancestral traditional method of shamanic journeying to connect with spirit animals, guides and teachers, Ms. Charland shows us how she has helped her clients to awaken and reconnect with their own power and to find a sense of purpose and meaning.

From a shamanic perspective, healing is about becoming whole and  in harmony with self, the other, the community and the planet. Shamanic healing is experiential, the shamanic practitioner serving as a veritable bridge or portal to other realms and realities.

Although each journey in this book provides specific teachings and wisdom for each client,  which reflects that individual’s unique path and self-transformation, these healing stories are universal.   As you read each personal tale of power and transformation, you will begin to move your own healing energy and you will trigger your own journey to spiritual maturity and self-transformation.

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